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    Ogłoszenie ( na środku )
    tekst (pod) : Zapraszamy serdecznie wszystkich , szczególnie dzieci na otwarcie wspaniałego zoo w którym będą organizowane różne pokazy zwierząt oraz konkursy z nagrodami i nie tylko. Zostanie ono otwarte dni 26.06.2011r. od godziny 12 - 00 do godz. 16-00 na ul. kwiatowej 3 koło stadionu.
    Wójt gminy itd


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Przydatność 100% Animals in zoos.

Animals are keep in zoos only for peoples’ pleasure and entertainment. They aren’t have their natural habitat in zoos. They were took out from their natural home and put into the cage but they mustn’t be injured in any way. Animals in zoos have got everything what each pet would like to have. They have plenty food and get medical care . But in spite of this they haven’t got the most...

Przydatność 80% Keep animals in zoo.

Is the idea of the zoo as an ark archaic? Are zoos exploiting animals for profit? Are they prisons for wild animals? Does the need for species conservation outweigh the costs to individual animal welfare? These are some of the question zoos face as they try to respond to the criticism from animal rights groups and justify their existence to a public increasingly concerned about the welfare of...

Przydatność 80% Keeping animals in zoos

Today there are a lot of zoos all over the world where thousands of animals are keept in cages or other similar places.But we can ask if this way of living is a good idea. On the positive side,we protect endangered species from extinction.For many of them,living in unnatural conditions is the only way which can help to survive.What is more,animals are well looked looked after.They do not...

Przydatność 75% Are you in favour or against the zoo?

The animals in zoo certainly feel bad. First of all they have not sufficiently big space and live in unnatural habitat. Their cages are small and uncomfortable. Secondly they are often lonely and sometimes untidy. Because of it they are in bad condition and they are sick. These neglected animals need our help. Rarely, but it happens the animals in zoo do not have their...

Przydatność 90% Should animals be kept in zoos?

A lot of people protest against keeping animals in zoos. They claim that animals should live in the wild and keeping them in captivity is cruel and inhumane. But is it really so bad and violent? Are there more advantages than disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos? First of all, animals kept in zoos get a professional medical care, which is unavailable in their natural habitat....

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