Treść zadania


Look at the survey. complete the sentences with the correct form of verbs in brakets.
Name and class: mark preston, VIIB
A sport you love: I Rugby 2 volleyball
A sport you like: swimming
A sport you don't mind: cycling
A sport you don't enjoy: football
A sport you don't like: snowboarding
A sport you hate: gymnastics

1. Mark loves (play) ⁰playing rugby and volleyball
2. He prefers (play) ¹______ rugby to (play) ²_______ volleyball
3. He likes (go) ³_____ swimming
4. He doesn't mind (go) ⁴____ cycling
5. He doesn't enjoy (play) ⁵_____ football
6.He doesn't like (go) ⁶_____ snowboarding
7.He hates (do) ⁷_____ gymnastics

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