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ZAD 3/33 (ćwiczeniówka New Adventures )

Complete the sentences using the past tense of the verbs in box A and the prepositions in box B .
A : climb ; sail ; trek (skreślone) ; hitch-hike
B : across ; up ; into ; through(skreślone)

We trekked through the Amazon jungle with a South American guide.
1. On holiday we ... Mount Snowdon . It's the highest mountain in Wales .
2. My dad ... Europe when he was in his twenties .
3. We ... the rabour and found a safe place to leave the boat.

A: drive ; fly ; swim
B: across ; out of ; over

4. There wasn't bridge, so we ... the river .
5. The helicopter ... the Statue of Liberty. it was incredible!
6. We ... the car park and turned left into the street .

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

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    1. On holiday we climbed up Mount Snowdon . It's the highest mountain in Wales .
    2. My dad hitch-hiked across Europe when he was in his twenties .
    3. We sailed into the rabour and found a safe place to leave the boat.

    4. There wasn't bridge, so we swam across the river .
    5. The helicopter flied over the Statue of Liberty. it was incredible!
    6. We drove out of the car park and turned left into the street .


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