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1) Ingredients 2) Bread 3) Taking Peanut Butter 4) Spread Peanut Butter 5) Folding Sandwich We need your help. Our cook on the Star Fish Magic Ship got sick, and we are hungry. But he left us a note how to make a peanut butter sandwich. Now we need your help to make one for Captain Piglet. The cook wrote us that you would need to ask for the following...

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Are pets good companions? By all means! Which pet is the best? I think that rabbit is perfect house pet. First of all, rabbits are friendly animals. They enjoy being with people. Moreover rabbits love playing with children, so especially children adore this pet. Rabbits have got interesting personalities, because they are kind and sweat. In addition they are great fun to watch. Furthermore,...

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1st May was a very important day for us. Poland joined the European Union and this event gave our society many advantages. I am happy, that Poland did it! Now, with other countries like Slovakia, Hungary we belong to the EU. It gives greater possibilities of development. At first, we can be stronger country. The EU grants Poland special funding for agriculture. Secondly,...

Przydatność 100% Death penalty, is it good?

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