Treść zadania


Wstaw odpowiednią formę w czasie PRESENT CONTINUOUS.

1.John (say) good-bye to his mother.
2.Mark (not,drive) his car.
3.What time (leave,you)?
4.Peter (study) now.
5.(Give, the Browns ) a party tomorrow night ?
6.Mr Smith and Mr Wilkins (write) a report now.
7.Where (go,he) with his parents?
8.My parents (not,watch) television.
9.The train (stop) now.
10.Why (stand,she) here?
11.(Learn,they) Germanat present.
12.He(come back) tomorrow morning.
13.I (not,do) homework today.
14.What (take,Robert) from the postman?
15.Who (talk)to your brother at the moment.
16.Mr Parker (speak) to Miss Black.
17.What (read,you) at present?
18.They (not,work) at the moment.
19.(It,snow) now ?
20.Who(m) (look,you) at?

To dla mnie bardzo ważne.

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 0 0

    1.John is saying good-bye to his mother.
    2.Mark isn't driving his car.
    3.What time are you leaving?
    4.Peter is studying now.
    5.Are the Brownsgiving a party tomorrow night ?
    6.Mr Smith and Mr Wilkins are writing a report now.
    7.Where is he going with his parents?
    8.My parents aren't watching television.
    9.The train (stop) now.
    10.Why is she standing here?
    11.They are learning Germanat present.
    12.He is coming back tomorrow morning.
    13.I i,m not doing homework today.
    14.What is Robert taking from the postman?
    15.Who is talking to your brother at the moment.
    16.Mr Parker is speaking to Miss Black.
    17.What are you reading at present?
    18.They aren't working at the moment.
    19.Is it snowing now ?
    20.Who is looking at you?


  • userphoto

    1 is saying
    2 isn't driving
    3are you leaving
    4 is studing
    5 The Browns giving
    6 are writting
    7is he going
    8 aren't watching
    9 is stoppin
    10is she standing
    11 they are learning
    12is coming bck
    13 'm not doing
    14Robert is taking
    15 are talking
    16 is speaking
    17 are you reading
    18aren't working
    19 is it snowing
    20 are you looking

    Licze na naj...... ;)

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