Treść zadania


Znajdz i popraw błędne zdania

1. Alex is often coming late
2. My boss is talking on the phone now
3.Children sometimes tell lies
4. Every evening , I set my alarm-clock
5 She can't go now . She's having lunch
6 Lee always gives us homework
7Look! Robert wears his new overcoat
8 Every autumn,leaves are falling off treese
9 Mike is usually coming back at two p.m.
10 I can see them . They stand close to us
11 We are travelling by tram right now

Zgłoś nadużycie

Komentarze do zadania

  • 1. Alex is often late.
    2. My boss talking on the phone now.
    3. Children sometimes lie.
    4. Every evening, I set the alarm clock.
    5. She can't go now . She having lunch
    6. Lee always give us his homework.
    7. Look! Robert wearing his new overcoat.
    8. Every autumn, leaves are fall off treese
    9. Mike usually come back at two p.m
    10. I can see them. They standing close to us.
    11. We're traveling by tram, right now.

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 1 0

    2. My boss is talking on the phone now.
    5. She can't go now. She is having lunch.
    6. Lee always gives us his homework.
    7. Look! Robert is wearing his new overcoat.
    8. Every autumn, leaves are falling off trees.
    9. Mike usually comes back at two p.m.
    10. I can see them. They are standing close to us.


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