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I'm Simon. My mother is Mary and my father is John. Mt grandparents are Steven and Susuan. James is my brother , and Sarah is my sister. My cousion are Debbie and Ben. Their parents are Michael and Gremma.

a to są te zdania do poprawienia :
1. Ben is Mary's son.
2.Gemma is Steven's wife.
3.Simon is James's sister.
4.Michael is Sarah's cousion .
5.Sarah is Debbie's sister.
6.Ben is Michael's cousion.
7. Michael is Gemma's father .

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    Ben is Simmon's cousin
    Gemma is Ben and Debbie's mother
    Simon is Sara's brother
    Michael is Gemma's wife
    Sara is Simon's sister
    Ben is Simon's cousin
    Michael is Ben and Debbie's father


  • karolinka1040

    Ben is Simmon's cousin
    Gemma is Ben and Debbie's mother
    Simon is Sara's brother
    Michael is Gemma's wife
    Sara is Simon's sister
    Ben is Simon's cousin
    Michael is Ben and Debbie's father

    Chyba tak ;]
    Daj Naj..

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