Treść zadania


ex.3/13 New Inspiration
Complete the sentences with these words.

wyrazy- divorce, expect,honesty,identical twins, motto,people arrier,receptionist,social worker, sofa, take-away.

1.A ... is a good car for a big family becouse there is lots of room.
2. After a ... a husband and wife aren't married any more.
3.Indian and Chinese ... meals are popular becouse you don't cook them yourself.
4.A ... helps people with problems like housing and relationships.
5..... are two children from the same parents born at the same time who look exactly the same.
6.A ... is the first person you meet when you go to an office or hotel.
7. Two or three people can sit side by side on a ... .
8. ... means always teeling the truth.
9. A ... is ashort sentece saying what you believe in or try to do.
10. When you ... something, you think it's likely to happen.

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