Treść zadania


Dopasuj przymiotniki do odpowiednich zdań.
1. It costs a lot of money.
2.There are lots of people there.
3.It isn't tidy.
4.the wallpaper and paintings are lovely.
5.It's very small.
6.There's lots of room.
7. It's got everything we need.
8.It's small but warm and comfortable.

a) It's tiny.
b)It's cosy.
c)It's expensive.
d)It's well-equipped
e)It's nicely decorated.
f)It's spacious.
g)It's crowded
h) It's messy.

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 1 0

    1c. It costs a lot of money. It's expensive.
    2g. There are lots of people there. It's crowded.
    3h. It isn't tidy. It's messy.
    4e. the wallpaper and paintings are lovely. It's nicely decorated.
    5a. It's very small. It's tiny.
    6f. There's lots of room. It's spacious.
    7d. It's got everything we need. It's well-equipped.
    8b. It's small but warm and comfortable. It's cosy.


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