Treść zadania


zadanie1 Wpisz przymiotniki określające osobowość

1.Pauline is very p_____and always remembers to say'please'and'thank you'
2.Gina always buys her friends nice presents She's g________
3.Frank is very f_______.He always makes people laugh.
4.bob isn;t afraid of anything.He's very b_________
5.Melanie never tallks about herself.She's very m_________.
6.Sara only thinks about herself.She's s_________
7.Ian doesn't need any help with anything.He's totally i_________.

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Najlepsze rozwiązanie

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    1.Pauline is very POLITE and always remembers to say'please'and'thank you'
    2.Gina always buys her friends nice presents She's GENEROUS
    3.Frank is very FUNNY. He always makes people laugh.
    4.Bob isn't afraid of anything.He's very BRAVE.
    5.Melanie never tallks about herself.She's very MODEST.
    6.Sara only thinks about herself.She's SELFISH.
    7.Ian doesn't need any help with anything.He's totally INDEPENDENT.


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