Treść zadania


Complete with question tags.
1.Maxim couldn't get over the death of his first wife,_________________?
2.the second Mrs de Winter didn't feel confident in her new role,___________________?
3.Rebecca seemed to haunt the house,______________________?
4.'I'Il have to wear a wig,______________?she throught
5.Rebecca had worn exactly the dress at the last ball,_____________________?
6.'You wanted this to happen, __________________?'she said Mrs Danvers.
7.'I was angry with you last night,________________?'Maxim said.
8.'They've found Rebecca,_____________________?'he said.
9.They watched Manderley,burning down,___________________?

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    1.Maxim couldn't get over the death of his first wife, could he?
    2.The second Mrs de Winter didn't feel confident in her new role, did she?
    3.Rebecca seemed to haunt the house, didn't she?
    4.'I'Il have to wear a wig, won't I?
    5.Rebecca had worn exactly the dress at the last ball, hadn't she?
    6.'You wanted this to happen, didn't you?'she said Mrs Danvers.
    7.'I was angry with you last night, wasn't I?'Maxim said.
    8.'They've found Rebecca, haven't they?'he said.
    9.They watched Manderley,burning down, didn't they?


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