Treść zadania


utworz pytan i przeczenia.

There is a table.
There are some plants.
There is a kitchen.
There are some computer.

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 0 0

    Is there a table ? There isn't a table.
    Are there some plants ? There aren't some plants.
    Is there a kitchen. There isn't a kitchen.
    Are there some computers ? There aren't some computers.


  • kamcia836

    Is there a table ? there isn't a table - w pytaniu tworzysz inwersję czyli przestawiasz wyrazy a w przeczeniach dodajesz przeczenie ,not.

    Are there some plants ? There aren;t some plant's.

    Is there a kitchen ? there isn't a kitchen.

    Are there some computer ? There aren't some computer.

  • userphoto

    Is there a table? There isn't a table. - Czy tam jest stół? Tam niema stołu.
    Are there some plants? There are not some plants. Czy tam są jakieś rośliny.
    Is there a kitchen? There isn't a kitchen. Czy tam jest kuchnia.
    Are there some computers. There aren't some computers.

    Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam i liczę na NAJJ POZDRAWIAM.

  • andrzej242242

    Is there a table ? There isn't a table

    Are there some plants ? There aren't some plants.

    Is there a kitchen. There isn't a kitchen
    Are there some computers ? There aren't some computers

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