Treść zadania


Do pisz pytania i przeczenia

1.There is a mirror.
2.There is a computer on the desk.
3.There are two dresses.
4.There are ome people.
5.There is a curtain in the shap.
6.There are some canaj and shoes.

1.There is some water in the glass
2.There is omemoney.
There is some butter and bread in the bad.

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 2 0

    1.Is there any mirror?
    There isn't any mirror.

    2Is there any compter on the desk?
    There isn't any computer on the desk

    3.Are there 2 dresses?
    There are't 2 dresses

    4.Are there any people?
    There aren't any peoples

    5. Is there any curtain in the shap?
    There isn't any curtain in the shap

    6. Are there any canaj and shoes?
    There aren't any canaj and shoes


  • userphoto

    1.Is there a mirror?
    There isn't a mirror.

    2.Is there a computer on the desk?
    There isn't a computer on the desk.

    3.Are there two dresses?
    There aren't two dresses.

    4.Are there some people?
    There are not some people.

    5.Is there a curtain in the shop?
    There isn't a curtain in the shop.

    6.Are there some canaj and shoes?
    Thare are not some ...

    7.Is there some water in the glass?
    Thare isn't some ...

    8.Is there some money?
    There isn't some money.

    9.Is there some butter ... bad?
    There isn't some ...

  • userphoto

    1.Is there a mirror?
    There isn't a mirror.

    2.Is there a computer on the desk?
    There isn't a computer on the desk.

    3.Are there two dresses?
    There aren't two dresses.

    4.Are there some people?
    There are not some people.

    5.Is there a curtain in the shop?
    There isn't a curtain in the shop.

    6.Are there some canaj and shoes?
    Thare are not some ...

    7.Is there some water in the glass?
    Thare isn't some ...

    8.Is there some money?
    There isn't some money.

    9.Is there some butter ... bad?
    There isn't some ...

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