Treść zadania


That keeps me from running,
But just keep it coming.
How did you learn to do the things you do?

czy ktoś mógłby mi to przetłumaczyć?

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 0 0

    To co powstrzymuje mnie od biegania tojest to ze dopiero przyszedlem.
    Jak ty uczyles sie robic tych rzeczy?
    Cos takiego;p


  • agunia128

    To powstrzymuje mnie od biegania.
    Tylko utrzymaj to przybycie. - nie rozumie tego zdania, nie jestem pewna
    Jak sie nauczyłeś robić te rzeczy które robisz?

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Introduction The purpose of this report is to sum up the results of a survey about pets, we keep at home. The report is based on a sample of over 300 people living in our city on. Ownership Predictably, over 70 per cent of those questioned confirmed having a pet. 55 per cent chose dogs and cats, while hamsters and parrots were the second choice. Secondaly, when asked about their...

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Is the idea of the zoo as an ark archaic? Are zoos exploiting animals for profit? Are they prisons for wild animals? Does the need for species conservation outweigh the costs to individual animal welfare? These are some of the question zoos face as they try to respond to the criticism from animal rights groups and justify their existence to a public increasingly concerned about the welfare of...

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Przydatność 65% Pros and cons of keeping animals in zoos.

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