Treść zadania


1 Complete the comparative sentences so that they are true. Use the correct form of the adjectives in brackets and add any other necessary words.
1 An elephant is much __________________ (big) a mouse.
2 Winter is __________________ (warm) autumn in Poland.
3 Noon is __________________ (early) than midnight.
4A worm is __________________ (long) a snake.
5At 3,776 m, Mount Fuji is __________________ (high) Mount Ararat, which is 5,137 m.
6A cup of coffee is much __________________ (hot) an ice-cream.
7A car is __________________ (cheap) a bicycle.
Mark: ___ / 7

2Read the fact file and complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives below. There is one extra adjective.
FACT FILE: Did you know?
The summit of Mount Everest: 8,848 m above sea level
Vatican City: area 0.44 km2
The city of San Pedro Sula in Honduras: 3 murders per day
The Pink Star diamond: sold for £51.7 million in 2014
The cheetah: runs at speeds of 70–75 mph
Jeanne Calment: aged 122 in 1997
Plateau Station, Antarctica: average annual temperature ˗56.7°C
cold dangerous expensive fast high old powerful small
1 Mount Everest is __________________ mountain in the world.
2 Vatican City is __________________ country in the world.
3 San Pedro Sula is __________________ city in the world.
4 The Pink Star diamond is __________________ diamond in the world.
5 The cheetah is __________________ animal on the planet.
6 Jeanne Calment is __________________ person on record.
7 The Plateau Station in Antarctica is __________________ place in the world.
Mark: ___ / 7

3 Complete the answers to the questions. Use too or enough and the word in brackets.
1 ‘Why isn’t this cake sweet?’
‘Because there isn’t _______________________ in it.’ (sugar)
2 ‘Would you like to go for a walk this afternoon?’
‘Not really, it’s _______________________ outside.’ (cold)
3 ‘Why is the garden so dry?’
‘Because there wasn’t _________________________ this summer.’ (rain)
4 ‘Do you want to go to the cinema?’
‘I can’t because it’s _________________________ and I’ve got school tomorrow.’ (late)
5 ‘Why did you turn the radio off?’
‘Because the music was _________________________ .’ (loud)
6 ‘Why don’t you wear that new coat I bought you?’
‘Because it’s not _________________________ .’ (big)
Mark: ___ / 6

4 Choose the correct answers.
1 Oh no, look at those ___ ! I hope you brought your umbrella with you!
a clouds b rain c storms
2 I’m scared of ___ because of the loud sound.
a thunder b lightning c showers
3 It’s dangerous to stand under a tree if there’s a storm and you see ___ .
a hail b sunshine c lightning
4 You have to drive really slowly in ___ weather because you can’t see where you’re going.
a icy b foggy c sunny
5 I prefer a ___ to heavy rain because I know it won’t last long.
a shower b wind c snowflake
6 In the winter, I love watching ___ fall. It’s amazing that each one is different.
a showers b winds c snowflakes
7 There was a storm last night and the ___stones were so big that they damaged the car.
a frost b hail c cloud
8 Let’s go out for a walk – it’s really warm now and the ___ is shining.
a snow b sun c storm
9 When it’s ___ , it’s a good idea to wear a hat and gloves.
a cloudy b showery c frosty
10 We couldn’t get out of the house because there was so much ___ in front of the door.
a frost b mist c snow
Mark: ___ / 10

5 Read the definitions of natural disasters and write the correct words.
1 This happens when snow, ice and rocks fall quickly down the side of a mountain. __________________
2 This can happen in a place where it doesn’t rain for a long time. __________________
3 If there is too much rain in a short period of time, you might experience one of these. __________________
4 When one of these happens, buildings shake and they sometimes fall down. __________________
5 This happens in an area where there isn’t enough food for everyone to eat. __________________
Mark: ___ / 5

6 Write the adjectives next to the temperatures. There is one extra adjective.
mild sweltering warm freezing hot cool
1 48°C __________________
2 35°C __________________
3 24°C __________________
4 18°C __________________
5 9°C __________________
Mark: ___ / 5

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