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Przydatność 60% Short Article describling Harrison Ford - Enterprise plus - pre-intermediate - strona 15 zadanie 22

Harrison Ford is an actor who is famous for starring in many films, such as "Adventures of Indiana Jones", "The Star Wars Trilogy" and "Air Force One". He is in his late sixties. He is tall and well-built as well. He has a tanned square face, with thin upper lip with a ful lower lip. Also he has got brown eyes and short brown hair, but unfortunatley his hair is starting to turn gray. On the...

Przydatność 60% Strona WWW

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Przydatność 60% Strona czasownika

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Przydatność 50% Strona bierna

Ich backe einen Kuchen. Der Kuchen wird (von mir) gebacken. Ich backte / buk einen Kuchen. Der Kuchen wurde (von mir) gebacken. Ich habe einen Kuchen gebacken. Der Kuchen ist (von mir) gebacken worden. Ich hatte einen Kuchen gebacken. Der Kuchen war (von mir) gebacken worden. Ich werde einen Kuchen backen. Der Kuchen wird (von mir) gebacken werden. Man spricht hier Deutsch....

Przydatność 50% Strona bierna - kompendium wiedzy

czas schemat Zdanie ‘normalne’ Strona bierna Present Simple am / is / are + PP She paints the wall. The wall is painted by her. Present Continuous am / is / are+ being + PP She is painting the wall. The wall is being painted by her. Past Simple was / were + PP She painted the wall. The wall was painted by her. Past Continuous was / were + being + PP She was painting the wall. The wall...

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