Treść zadania


Write reported requests and commands
1) Erik: You must read this book about UFOs. (Erik /tell /Alex)
Alex: Can you lend it to me, please?( Alex / ask / Erik)
Odp: Erik told Alex to read a book about UFOs. Alex asked Erik to lend it to him
2) Dan: Please drive me to school. (Dan /ask /his mum)
Mum: Don't be lazy! (mum / tell / Dan)
3) Teacher: Don't forget your homework. ( the teacher / tell / Kelly)
Kelly: Please can you give me an extra day? (Kelly / ask / the teacher )
4) Dad: Tidy your bedroom! (Gina's dad / tell / her )
Gina: Oh Dad! Can you tell Tessa to do it ? ( Gina / ask / her dad )
5) Police officer: Plase don't park outside the school gates, sir. ( police officer / tell / him )
Mr Carter: Could you give me two minutes, please? (Mr Carter / ask / her )
6) Mum: Don't forget to buy some milk. ( Jane's mum / told / her )
Jane: Can you give me some money, please? ( Jane / ask / her )

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 2 0

    2. Dan asked his mum to drive him to school.
    Mum told him to not to be lazy.
    3. The teacher told Kelly to not forget her homework.
    Kelly asked the teacher for an extra day.
    4. Gina's dad told her to tidy up her bedroom.
    Gina asked her dad to ask Teresa to do it.
    5. The police officer asked him to not to park his car outside the school gate.
    Mr Carter asked for two more minutes.
    6. Mum told Jane to not forget to buy some milk.
    Jane asked her to give her some money.


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