Treść zadania


1)My grandmother is important to me, because..
2)How to organize a 'suprise birthday party' for a friend?

Na jutro muszę powiedzieć monolog 3 minutowy na te dwa tematy w języku angielskim. Byłabym wdzięczna chociaż za kilka zdań. Z góry dziękuję! :)

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    My grandmother is very important to me. She is my best friend because she always finds time for me. She gives me a good advices when I need and keep me company when I go for walk. My grandmother knows all my secrets and I can always count on her.

    2. The best way to organize a surprise birthday party for a friend is to involve other friends in . Each person can come up with different idea that can make the party even more fun! It is good to choose a leader who will make sure everything is set up that day. Also it is good to take care of the details like decorating or buying gifts some time before the party as buying stuff in rush its not a good idea.

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