Treść zadania


1.He g _ a _ _ a _ _ _ , or step-by-step, achieved success.

2.The view was _ _ _ o _ _ e _ _ a _ _ _ , I'll remember it for ever!

3.It's u _ _ e _ _ e _ a _ _ _ ! You were in a lion's cage?

5.My boss is very _ o _ _ _ _ i _ a _ i _ _ , he finds it easy to talk to people.

6.We need to m _ _ e _ _ _ z _ this building or it'll collapse one day. Besides, the handicapped cannot enter it.

7.They lived h _ _ _ _ _ y in their new house.

8. _ _ _ a _ e _ _ _ y , she doesn't like us. She is so rude.

9.I have to _ e _ o _ i _ _ that poem! I hate learning things by heart.

10.The prospect was t _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ g , no blankets, no coats and -20 degrees at night.

11.She had some f _ _ _ _ e _ s in her hat, just for decoration. Some people use them these days to decorate flowers as well.

12.The dog was wagging its _ _ _ _

13.Those animals have very sharp _ _ a _ s , which they use to scratch surfaces and dig holes in the ground.

14.Some rare species are kept in _ o _ _ e _ _ a _ _ _ _ areas.

15.Panda is just one of many _ _ _ a _ _ e _ _ _ species.

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 0 0

    1. gradually
    2. unforgettable
    3. unbelievable
    5. communicative
    6. modernize
    7. happily
    8. ???
    9. memorize
    10. terrifying
    11. feathers
    12. tail
    13. claws
    14. conservatory
    15. endangerous


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