Treść zadania


Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytania.
A) The oscars award ceremony is one of the most
famous ceremonies in the word, and is watched
live on Tv in over 200 countries . the first ceremoby
happened in hollywood in 1929 and all of the prizes
were for silent films. for the first ten years, the results
were given to the newspapers before the ceremony.
Hower, since 1941. the names of the winners have
been a secret unitil the last moment
B ) No one is exactly sure where the name oscars
came from . One story is that in 1931 the direction of
the academy thought that the golden award looked
like her uncle
C) The academy of Motion picture arts and
scienes has Over 6.000 members (ACTORS, DIRECTORS,
PRODUCERS, eTC.) Each year they vote for the winners
in 25 categories. the most important categories are
Best fim, best director, best actress and best Actor
D) No on is very interested in what the men wear
(the usually come in dinner jacket or suit) but
the big fashion houses, like chanel and Dior , try to
persuade the most popular female stars to wear their
dresses . The stars usually look great . But there are some bad
choices too .
E) The speechceeches that the winners make when
they accept their oscars are often rather boring , as
they're usually just a list of people they want to thank
(including their mum ). The winners often get very
emotional - it can sometimes be almost impossible to
understand what they're saying

1) In the 1930s. , how did people know result before the ceremony ?
2) whose uncle looked like the prize that was awarded to the winners?
3)Who votes for the winners?
4)How much do the female stars usually spend on their outfits for ceremony
5) why are the acceptance speches often boring?

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.


Podobne zadania

KarmeL Przetłumacz te pytania ; 1. Which sentence talks about something which always Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 1 rozwiązanie autor: KarmeL 17.4.2010 (12:04)
edi165 Przeczytaj tekst i zastąp wyróżnione wyrazy słowami podanymi Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 2 rozwiązania autor: edi165 27.4.2010 (16:50)
admosk Szczegółowe pytania Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 3 rozwiązania autor: admosk 18.5.2010 (19:03)
KosmitnazZiemi Pomożecie uzupełnić tekst...........? proszę...........! Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 4 rozwiązania autor: KosmitnazZiemi 26.5.2010 (18:08)
krysiaaa Pomocyyy...............Prosze przetłumaczyc tekst:) Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 4 rozwiązania autor: krysiaaa 26.5.2010 (19:42)

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