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  • aleksface

    I am living in apartament on the first floor. My apartament building is not too small but also not too big. It has 4 floors and 10 apartaments to live.
    My apartament has 4 bedrooms, one bathroom, kitchen and living room. When you walking in to my house there is a small kitchen in yellow colour on the right side. On the left side there is a bigger blue living room where I usually like to spend a time afternoon with family. The main doors of my apartament are on opposite side of bathroom and long corridor to the 4 bedrooms.The first doors are my brother's bedrooom. It's small dark room and it's messy all the time. The second bedroom on the left side is my room which is green, clean and it has a lot of space around. The 3rd room is my second older sister. That room is much bigger than mine and my brother. It's clean, fresh and I like light pink colour of the walls. Last bedroom is my parents room. It's the biggest one in apartament. My parents bed is in the middle of the room and warderobe is in front of this bed. The windows in that room are big and it also have a nice view on my estate.
    I like my apartament beacuse it's spatial, fresh, colourfull and I feel safe with family inside.

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