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    aj lajk pleing tenis futbol wolejbol basketbol - ja lubie grac w tenisa pilke nozna siatkowke koszykowke. aj lajk duinf sLiming rajning dżampik skejbording- ja nie lubie gimnastyki dżudo karate plywac skakac jezdzic na deskorolce


Podobne materiały

Przydatność 65% Wierzyć oznacza dla mnie...

Temat pracy wydaje się być bardzo prosty. Przecież każdy wie, co to takiego „wiara”. A jednak po zastanowieniu się nie wiedziałam, co mam napisać... Sięgnęłam więc po słownik. Definiuje on wiarę jako „przeświadczenie, pewność, że coś jest prawdziwe; zaufanie”. Jednak to są tylko słowa, które mówią, czym powinna być wiara. Co oznacza ona dla mnie? Przemyśle to w...

Przydatność 50% People are like animals

Sometimes people say that dogs look like their owners. One day I realized that people have also many similarities, including the character, with insects. It occurred to me during one of the visits at my aunt’s house. My mother’s sister is moving so fast, she likes to work, and is so dedicated to her purpose no matter the obstacles. While looking at her, only thing I could think of were...

Przydatność 100% Would you like to be millinaire

Everybody, from time to time wishes they were a millionaire. This is why lotteries are so popular. But what can one to do with all that money? If I were a millionaire, say by winning a lottery, for example, the first thing I would buy, would be a brand new grand piano or a beautiful brown antique one, which tells a story just by looking at it and makes you feel like you’re living in a...

Przydatność 60% Would you like to be famous?

They are many famous people all over the world. Their fame has as many advantages as disadvantages. The most important advantage is money, which allows them to travel a lot. In addition to this, they can help people who are not so rich. Moreover, famous people are their fans admire them. On the onther hand, they are easy recognised in the strets, in shops. Journalists always want to interview...

Przydatność 100% I like christmas

I like Christmas very much. I think it’s a time when everybody is happier and want to do something good for others. I see changes in members of my family – like everyone, we don’t always enjoy being together all the time, but during these days we can’t imagine being alone. It all starts in the morning of twenty-fourth December. I decorate the freshly bought tree with my father and...

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