Treść zadania


Uzupelnij zdania slowami z ramki;IN,FRONT,RIGHT,THAT'S, THIS ,WITH
A Can I look at your photos? a photo of granporents at their nouse.A Who is the woman on the.....?Next to your grandmother? aunt Shelly.Awho's the man at the.....of the photo?B The one.....the glasses?That's my uncncle Tom.And.....the middle,betwen my grandporents,it their dog,Hector.

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    A Can I look at your photos?
    B. THIS is a photo of granparents at their house.
    A Who is the woman on theRIGHT?Next to your grandmother?
    B. THAT'S my aunt Shelly.
    Awho's the man at the FRONT of the photo?
    B The one WITH the glasses?That's my uncle Tom.And IN the middle,between my grandparents,it's their dog,Hector.


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