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The picture shows the surgery. In which is situated a doctor and an eagle. In the picture I can see a doctor. He is dressed in white medical apron. In his huge nose I see glasses. In his right hand I see a pen whereas in the left he hold a paper. He is baldly and bearded. In the next plane I can see an lied eagle. His wings is brown , his beak and foot is yellow whereas the rest of his body is white.

An eagle who is introduced is symbol of the polish nation. Words "Kiedy zorientowałem się,że jestem symbolem polski wpadłem w depresję " -means " When I noticed that I'm the symbol of polish nation i falled in depression"

The photo introduced situation in which an eagle comes to the doctor in aim advice.


Action shows medical advice in which participate a doctor whos advise confused eagle.
The illustration refered to situation and problem of our nation.
An eagle symbolize average polish people.

Synthesis and interpretation

The illustration id created by ....(Imie nazwisko) from his book (nazwa)

I thing that these days and our political situation influence for create that picture. Event describe our nation in negative light.
In my opinion that photo show satiric attitude for polish nation

Evaluation and comments

I thing that presentated picture reflect in funny way perceive our nations by other states . I thing that photo refer to stereotypes which says about dishonestly and egoism of our nation.

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    The picture shows the surgery where the doctor and the eagle are situated. The doctor is dressed in a white medical apron. On his huge nose I can see glasses. In his right hand I can see a pen whereas in the left hand he holds a paper. He is bald and bearded. I can also see a lied eagle. His wings are brown , his beak and feet are yellow whereas the rest of his body is white.

    An eagle, which is introduced, is the symbol of the polish nation. Words "Kiedy zorientowałem się, że jestem symbolem polski wpadłem w depresję " -means " When I realised that I'm the symbol of polish nation i got depressed"

    The photo shows a situation in which an eagle comes to the doctor in aim advice.


    Action shows medical advice in which participates a doctor. His advice confused the eagle.
    The illustration refers to the situation and the problem of our nation.
    An eagle symbolizes average polish people.

    Synthesis and interpretation

    The illustration is created by ....(Imie nazwisko) from his book (nazwa)

    I think that these days our political situation influenced the creation of that picture.( w naszych czasach sytuacja polityczna wpłynęła na stworzenie tego rysunku). The event shows our nation in the negative light.
    In my opinion that photo shows satiric attitude toward(chyba) polish nation

    Evaluation and comments

    I think that presented picture reflects in a funny way perceive( nie rozumiem słowa) our nations by other states . I think that the photo refers to the stereotypes which say how dishonest and egoistic our nation is

    Pamiętaj, ze myśleć się pisze"think" a nie thing - często popełniałaś ten błąd..


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