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Napisz pytania do podanych odpowiedzi.
1.No, I 'm not. I' m happy.
2.Yes,we are . We' re with the teacher.
3.No, she isn' t . She' s at work.

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Przydatność 70% Advertising - useful or not?

It is often said that advertising is useful and very important in our world, especially in market economy advertising is extremely important. However, in my opinion there are different opinion about this subjects. Firstly, advertising is an important element of marketing function. The aim of advertising is to persuade consumers to buy some products. Without advertising sales would be poor...

Przydatność 100% Uniforms at school – Why not?

Uniforms at school – Why not? I strongly believe that necessity of wearing uniforms at school is good idea. Moreover it is not true that wearing uniforms destroy our ‘feel of individual style’. For example students can have their own type of hear-dress. If we accept wearing uniforms it will rise level of safety. Person who are not go to our school can not get in. Wearing of...

Przydatność 100% Conjoined twins - to separate or not? - speech

The separation of Mary and Jodie has as many followers as opponents, and all of them have a plenty of tough arguments to back their statements up. Unless the girls are separated, both are expected to die within six months. If they are separated Jodie will stand a chance of surviving and living a normal life. For her sister though, separation means death. Therefore a proper decision must be...

Przydatność 50% Pytania - odpowiedzi

3. Postanowienia konferencji wersalskiej w sprawie granic Polskich. Sprzymierzeni spierali się o przynależność Warmii i Mazur, które pozostały niemieckie, o Gdańsk, któremu nadano status wolnego miasta, oraz o Górny Śląsk. Aby zapewnić Polsce dostęp do morza przyznano jej Pomorze Gdańskie, przycinając terytorium Niemiec i tworząc tak zwany korytarz. Na granicy południowej...

Przydatność 100% AIDS is a very serious international problem. Do You agree or not?

We are mendt to live in a very difficult time. Out world is full of violence, war, conflicts between many countries. Every day, in news programs we hear about thousands of killed people. But when we start thinking about the reason why people are dying - we cone to the idea that not only war brings victims, but also a killer disease called AIDS. Definitely AIDS has become a serious...

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