Treść zadania


Napisz list.
Your local council is going to close a park near your town to build a motorway. You want to stop this. Write a letter to local newspaper.
1.What's the name of your organization?
2.Why are you concerned?
3.What prloblems might a motorway cause?
4.Why is a park better?
5.How are you going to protest?
Paragraph 1:Introduction
Irepresent a group called...
Paragraph 2:The problem
In our opinion...
Paragraph 3:Action
We have therefore decided to...
*layout of the letter
*explanation words
*will and be going to

Prosze o pomoc :)

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  • magisterka

    Dear Sir or Madam
    I represent a group called the Green Town and I am writing on behalf of people living in the neighbourhood where a motorway is to be built. We are concerned about the future of all of our lives once the motorway is built, that is why we decided to take some action.
    In our opinion a motorway is unnecessary in this area as there are a lot of roads already and the traffic is not that heavy. Furthermore, there is only one park in our town, so if it were to be closed, there would be no place to spend our spare time. In addition, in the park there is a playground for children and bicycle route and a lot of other features to keep people of the town entertained. I am fairly certain that a great majority of our town is against building a new motorway and instead would like to keep the park intact.
    We have therefore decided to hold a meeting with a town council in order to talk this case through. We are full of hope that we can sort things out once we meet and discuss.
    We would be grateful if you could print a note about the meeting in your newspaper so that more people learn about the problem and decide to support us.
    Yours faithfully

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