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f) liczba lat w wieku

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Lady Diana Frances Spencer 1 July 1961, Sandringham, Wielka Brytania-31 August 1997 Paris Diana was born in a aristocracy family as the youngest daughter of John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer. When her parents got divorced she moved with her mother to London where she attended local school. After her grandfather?s death in 1975 she became lady Spencer and moved to sixteenth-century house in...

Przydatność 100% Historia o Lady Godiva

In the middle of square there is a statue of legendary Lady Godiva.The legend goes back to the 11th century.Lady Godiva was the wife of Leofric,Earl of Mertia.Leofric,a cruel man and a bad ruler,was hated by the people,of Coventry.When he imposed,a very heavy tax upon them,they asked his wife,who was known for her kindness,to speak to the earl on their behalf.She did her best but could not move...

Przydatność 80% Charakterystyka Lady Makbet

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Przydatność 80% Oskarżam Lady Makbet

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Przydatność 70% Lady Diana Spencer - Biography

When you think of fairy tales, you think of a Princess and Prince living happily ever after. This fairy tale is similar but has a twist in it. Princess Diana Spencer has touched the lives on many people in many ways. Some of the ways include her royalty in England, working with AIDS and HIV patients, and helping to banned landmines. She is influential and an inspiration to many people...

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