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Puchacz Bubo bubo Systematyka Królestwo: Zwierząt Typ: Strunowce Klasa: Ptaki Rząd: Sowy Rodzina: Puszczykowate Rodzaj: Bubo Gatunek: Bubo Nazwa systematyczna Puchacz Bubo bubo L. Morfologia gatunku Puchacz jest pięknie ubarwionym ptakiem: na jasnobrązowych piórach ma ciemniejsze plamki i bardzo delikatne, poprzeczne...

Przydatność 50% Would you like to be a) an explorer b) a writer ? What would you have to do to become one? If you wanted to be a writer, where would you look for insp

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Przydatność 100% Always know where to go!

Maybe my city isn’t such beautiful as London, Paris or Madrid, and maybe there aren’t places like Louvre or Madame Tousand’s museum but sill in my opinion there is a lot of places where we can go and relax ourselves. One of this places is the National Museum of Kielce. There’s always something going on, so people can go there whenever they want. Very often there are new exhibitions....

Przydatność 65% Sowa Uszata- biologia,ekologia i ochrona

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Przydatność 65% Where would you like to live?

I would like to live in Spain. It is the country situated in the south-west of Europe, at the Meditarrean Sea. I would like to live there, because it is very warm there, for all the year. It will be perfect for me, because I don`t like Polish weather. Besides the Meditarrean Sea has very warm water in the summer that I could swim there. I am very fascinated with the culture in Spain. I would...

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