Treść zadania


Wstaw odpowiednią formę czasownika ( future cont.)

1.Tina and John ..........................HAVE a garden party tomorrow at 7 pm.
2.The headmaster...............PRESENT new teachers at the meeting this evening.
3.My friend.....................RUN from 5-6 pm.
4.It...................RAIN all next week.
5. This time next week my children ................SPEND time in Jurata.
6.My dad...................SEE a doctor tomorrow afternoon.
7.We won't have much free time tomorrow morning. We ......................PLANT new seeds in the garden.
8.On Tuesday they.......................SIGN contracts.
9.This time tomorrow Adrian ............................CROSS the ocean.
10.What do you think you..................DO this time next week ?

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 1 0

    1.Tina and John will be having a garden party tomorrow at 7 pm.
    2.The headmaster will be presenting new teachers at the meeting this evening.
    3.My friend will be running from 5-6 pm.
    4.It will be raining all next week.
    5. This time next week my children will be spending time in Jurata.
    6.My dad will be seeing a doctor tomorrow afternoon.
    7.We won't have much free time tomorrow morning. We will be planting new seeds in the garden.
    8.On Tuesday they will be signing contracts.
    9.This time tomorrow Adrian will be crossing the ocean.
    10.What do you think you will be doing this time next week ?

    Konstrukcja tego czasu to:
    Podmiot+will be + czasownik z -ing


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