Treść zadania


Czy to zadanie jest poprawnie napisane, ewentualnie możecie mi napisać co jest źle napisane. A tu tekst:

My future work is as engineer or mechanics. I would work in factory for parts for ships. I think that I can work in Erling Myklebust Mek Verksted AS or STX Brattvåg, because are very interesting and looks great.

What type of education do you need?
I must be finished High School and if I want studies. But without studies, I also find work as engineer or mechanics. Now I’m in first class of High School, so I have a lot of time to think about my future work.
After school I want to living with my boyfriend, but not on Harøy, but in Brattvåg or other place. But if I choose work in Erling Myklebust, I must living on Harøy, but I don’t want. So, I must choose job elsewhere.
I don’t want work in Poland, because I on workshop I understand just Norwegian and English words. When my dad asks me about something in polish I just say – Do you taking to me?, because, I don’t understand name of tools from workshop.

What would a normal day at work look like?
I find work five days in week. I don’t work in Saturday or Sunday, because I want to spent time with my boyfriend. If I find work six days in week, I must think about this, because this is just one day free.
But if I find work six or seven days in week, but just 5-6 hours of work, I can choose this work, because is just around 35 hours in week. And If I go to work 7am I come back home 3-3:30pm, and I can cook something, or clean house, or do something else, because I be have time to myself.
I think that work six or seven days in week with 5-6 hours of work is better than, work five days in week with 8-10 hours of work. After work I can do something to myself or other. But after work five days in week I take a shower, eat something and go sleep, because I be tried to do something other.
So, definitely I would choose work six or seven days in week with 5-6 hours of work, because I think that this is more profitable to me and my boyfriend. But if boss pay me more when I be work five days in week, I don’t choose this work, because “Any money is not worth the hard work”.

Where could you find a job?
I would find work just in Norway, because here is better, than in Poland. Also I want to find job in Brattvåg or other place, but not on island, because this is very hard.
Also I want live with my boyfriend, but he didn’t want to live on island. So, we must live in city, this is better to us two. But, I f find good job on island, I can choose this, because can be good for me. I can to ride back and forth every day, because I don’t want to live on island, but I can work here.

Why would this type of work interest you?
I choose TIP, as my future work, because is interest to me. I don’t want to be teacher or nurse, because this is not interest to me.
I always was “daddy’s girl” and I do everything with my dad. So we don't play with dolls, don’t play in makeup and other girly games, but we fixed the car, chopped wood and do other boys work.
Now I’m 17 years, and I also like to fixed the car or do something other, but with my boyfriend,, not with my dad.
Maybe this job, be great to me, to girl, and maybe I always be work in fabric ;)

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.


  • Aphrael

    W tym tekście jest mnóstwo błędów, źle złożone konstrukcje zdań, brakujące czasowniki "to be". Niektóre zdania brzmią jak prosto z translatora.

    Wybrane fragmenty, bo w sumie całe do przeróbki ;
    In the future I would like to work as an engineer or mechanic. (Brzmi o wiele lepiej,)
    I would like to work in factory that makes a parts of ships.
    After school I want to live with my boyfriend, but not in Harøy, but in Brattvåg or some other place. But if I choose to work in Erling Myklebust, I must live in Harøy, but I don’t want to.
    I choose TIP, as my future work, because it is interesting to me.
    I don’t want to be teacher or nurse, because this is not interesting to me.
    I always was “daddy’s girl” and I did everything with my dad.

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