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Mógłby mi ktoś napisać niedługą recenzję jakiegokolwiek filmu?
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Może to być np. Shrek, ale nie koniecznie.
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    Skrek 2

    I guess there is no such person in Poland, which does not słyszałaby of "shreku", a film which in 2001 conquered the whole world. After the great success could not come to an end on one part, created the next newsletter. Both the first and the second was directed by Andrew Adamson, the scenario Terr'ego Rossio and William Steig. Continuing adventures of Shrek limited, his newly married wife, Fiona, Donkey and sympathetic to their fairytale friends appeared on the Polish cinema screens on July 2 this year.
    When smreki Fon return from a honeymoon, unexpectedly receive an invitation to dinner to the family home in Princess Zasiedmiogrodzie. And here comes the problem, because the King and Queen do not know that their daughter and son-SA ogrami! Soon comes to light that the King had other plans for the future Fiona. In this situation Shrek life is threatened. King wanting to get rid of the hassle of renting-in-law slayer ogres ... Puss in Boots. But not everything goes according to plan the King. Itak develops full of adventure and funny situations the film.
    Frankly, the "Shrek" sludge with conviction, do not match "single room". However, it was my very positive surprise. The second part przydog likable characters is no less ridiculous than the previous one. Although this is a continuation of the first film, is different from the "ones" and not let the viewer get bored. Go ahead and watch it the whole family can, but this is definitely a movie for adults.
    Interestingly present here also references to other Disney fairy tales such as "Beauty and the Beast" and "Monsters, Inc.". Were also performed scenes from movies such as "Matrix," "Lord of the Rings," "Alien," "Godzilla," or having the biggest ovation scene from "Mission Imposible" by pawns.
    Obviously, video would not receive such a success without the hilarious donkey. In "shreku 2" does not lose its humor. For fans of the world's most famous donkey after the final credits is prepared a little surprise. It should be, so be patient to remain at the places really worth.
    "Alluring, gallant, brave and faithful as a dog"-can be described as a new character that appears in the "talon" Puss in Boots. Although it is a completely new and independent character even at a fast pace and he has gained recognition and sympathy shrekomanow.
    Writing reviews of "Shrek 2" can not miss a great dubbing. Famous heroes of the film voice urzyczaja no less famous celebrities:
    Shrekowi - Zbigniew Zamachowski
    Jerzy Stuhr-ass
    Fiona - Agnieszka Kunikowska
    Kot in Boots - Wojciech Malajkat
    In my opinion, "shrek2" deserved all the awards and received praise from paragraph audiences around the world. It is a great pastime, even for children who will love watching the donkey tomfoolery. Superb graphics, what viewers want the most. The film makes the viewing of our faces and minds, sorrows and worries disappear as if by magic roczki Fairy godmother. If there is someone else who does not know of adventures, the heroes przesympatycznych, I strongly encourage him to watch this movie. "Shrek2" certainly colorful everyone, even the gray and rainy day. I highly recommend and wish you a pleasant viewing experience.


  • bububu

    “Pulp Fiction”
    The Pulp Fiction, directed in 1994 by Quentin Tarantino, is an excellent film about American’s gangsters life. It takes place in Los Angeles and suburbs.

    Pulp Fiction is divided to chapters which are played in disorder. It is not only a full of sex gangster movie, but also a great comedy and sometimes a love story. Pulp Fiction is about two killers - Vincent and Jules - who have to give a briefcase from robbers to their boss -Marsellus, but they face some problems. Vincent has to take care of boss’ wife - Mia. Marsellus buys boxer Butch off and tell him to lose a fight, but Butch wins it, gains a lot of money and gets into trouble with Marsellus’ gang.

    In Pulp Fiction you can hear many humorous monologues like a story about watch which survive many, many years or Vincent’s speech about shops, police and drugs in Holland. In the movie star famous actors like Samuel L. Jackson, John Travolta, Uma Thurman and Bruce Willis.

    The soundtrack of this film is just fabulous, there are many good songs from 70’ and 80’, you can hear energetic tracks as “ Jungle Boogie” and “Misirlou”, romantic: “Let’s Stay Together” and “Since I First Met You” and some relaxing as “Surf rider” and “Rumble”.

    I recommend this movie, because it is said that this is not only the best of Tarantino’s movies but the best in all cinematography. ‘Pulp Fiction’ won the Oscar in Best Scenario and was nominated in many categories.

Podobne zadania

nicka15 angielski- recenzja Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 2 rozwiązania autor: nicka15 4.5.2010 (20:09)

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