Treść zadania


rozwiaz krzyzowke;Across.
3.children say trick or....on Halloween.
4.It's a man who changes into a wolf at night.
8.children wear them on Halloween.
11.she wears a black hat and rides a broom.
14 the month when Halloween comes.
17.the bones inside your body.
18 it's a colour of Halloween.
1.we put one inside the jack o' lantern.
2.A witch rides one of these..
5.Halloween comes on october thirty-.... comes on the last day of october.
7.jack o' lanterns are made of these.
9.a witch's animal friend.
10.they are white and live in haunted houses. flies at night on Halloween.
13.he wears a red suit and has a forked tail.
15.children love to collect on Halloween.
16.It's one of the colours of Halloween.

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