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Napisz 10 zdań o ostatnim weekend \ W CZASIE PRZESZŁYM ! Proszę o pomoc z anglika

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Dear Alice, I'm so happy that you will look after my flat, when I'm away. I trust you, and I know that everything will be OK. I have very precious flowers. On a balcony is Sufera diffusus, you must water it every day. Flowers in big pots must be watered twice a week. If you have some problems, you'll go to my neighbour - Ms Smith. Please, don't use my turnable unit. it's my keepsake. The...

Przydatność 70% My weekend.

My weekend usually starts in the Friday's evening, when I come from school, but first I try to do my homework. When I do this I plan rest of my spare time. In Friday evening I usually go with my friends to the cinema to watch an interesting film or to a pub to drink a beer and listen to the music. When I and my friends have a lot of free time we...

Przydatność 100% Weekend trip

When I saw the place in broad daylight, I was stunned. We came here last night on saturday. It was dark, we opened old mansion in rush. Mansion was situated near graveyard, but we didin’t tell girls about it. As soon as we entered we heard strange noises. I went upstairs and saw old, dead body. It had been lying here for ages, and now it looked like a standard skeleton. I decided that we will...

Przydatność 75% My Weekend

Saturday-I got up at seven o clock a.m.I ate breafast and cleaned my teeth.I went to the shop I bought milk,juice,apples and butter.Later at ten o clock a.m I went home and listened to music.At quarter past twelve p.m.I ate dinner.For dinner there were potatoes with chicken.I drank orange juice.After dinner I had a party with my friends.We had a good time,because we relaxed,play tennis.At five...

Przydatność 50% My weekend

I got up about 9 a.m. on Saturday. Then I had breakfast. I ate corn flakes with milk for breakfast. I was very busy after the hard week I didn’t have much free time, so when the weekend came I really liked to relax and had a good time. In the morning I had to help my mother with the housework. I cleaned my room, watered the flowers and then I went the garden. I had to cut the grass. Then I...

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