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Mam napisać list nieformalny z lektury ,,Świętoszek" wcielając się w postać mężczyzny(Orgon, Kleon itd). Co się działo w domu głównego bohatera? Napisać w imieniu świadka tych zdarzeń do swojego przyjaciela:)
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madziulek7777 Lektury szkolne czytane w udrece i z przyjemnoscia. wypracowanie Przedmiot: Język polski / Liceum 1 rozwiązanie autor: madziulek7777 8.4.2010 (13:57)
losikowa List motywacyjny Przedmiot: Język polski / Liceum 1 rozwiązanie autor: losikowa 11.5.2010 (21:27)
asimex NAPISZ LIST DO BURMISTRZA NA TEMAT CO ZROBIC , ABY BYŁO BEZPIECZNIEJ. Przedmiot: Język polski / Liceum 1 rozwiązanie autor: asimex 20.5.2010 (01:53)
wzurchemika Zadanie z lektury "Nad Niemnem" POMOCY ! Przedmiot: Język polski / Liceum 1 rozwiązanie autor: wzurchemika 22.5.2010 (12:25)
Pomylona List prywatny. Przedmiot: Język polski / Liceum 1 rozwiązanie autor: Pomylona 23.5.2010 (11:46)

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Hi Daniel! I'm writing this letter because I've bad news. I have been in my grandmother house because She is ill . I have arrived there with my parents and I can't tell you when I'll come back, but I'm going to go with you on the holiday! Have you exams still? I luckily it's over for me. I have never had such difficult tests! I hope you are having easy exams. In fact I could be free now...

Przydatność 65% Nieformalny list z nowinami

Dear Anna, I haven?t heard from you for ages, so what has happened to you since our last meeting? You wrote to me that you?re going to Poland in August. This news came to me as a great astonishment, you?re welcomed though. Had you pulled my legs I would be extremely disappointed. This year seems to be very important, saying earnestly. I?m to have graduate exams and their?s results will be...

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Dear Timothy I hope you haven't forgotten about your old friend. You don't call, you don't write postcards or letters. So i decided to write again. Maybe this time you will take me more seriously and answer. I remember moments pleasantly when we worked together. Was this in my life the best period. Anyway. How are you. What are you doing now? Are you working in the same work? You are...

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Dear Stephen, I'm sorry I haven't written to you for such a long time but I was very busy. Anyway, thank you for your letter. I've found the leaflet from last years course in Merle Park and I'll try to help you. You asked me if I had had a good time there. Well, I have to say that the fun was great but there were of course some annoying things. I went there mostly...

Przydatność 80% List zachęcający do przeczytania lektury "Krzyżacy"

Miasto,Data Cześć! Postanowiłem napisać do Ciebie ten list,...

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