Treść zadania


1.Put the verbs into correct forms of present perfect or present perfect contonous.
1. I....(jog) for ten minutes and I.....(complete) only three laps.
2.Susan....(clean) two rooms although she....(tidy) since early morning.
3.Finally Mary....(has) her cooker repaired.
4.Kate.....(call) Jake for the whole afternoon and....(not/reach) him so far.
5.How long....(Sarah/believe) in this crazy theory of yours?
6.Jane and Frank ....(be able) to buy this wonderful house at last. They.....(live) there for a week now.
7.I .....(listen) to this lecture and thankfully I....(understand) the problem at last.
8.My children are so tired they....(play) in the garden for three hours. Look: they.... (make) such a mess of this place.
9.Jane and Fran ....(be) friends for years. What is more they....(know) each other since they were babies.
10.Oh my god.!Your hands are totally black.! What....(you/do)?

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

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    1. I have been jogging for ten minutes and I have completed only three laps.
    2.Susan has cleaned two rooms although she has been tidying since early morning.
    3.Finally Mary has had her cooker repaired.
    4.Kate has been calling Jake for the whole afternoon and hasn't reached him so far.
    5.How long has Sarah believed in this crazy theory of yours?
    6.Jane and Frank had been able to buy this wonderful house at last. They have been living there for a week now.
    7.I have been listening to this lecture and thankfully I have understood the problem at last.
    8.My children are so tired they have been playing in the garden for three hours. Look: they have made such a mess of this place.
    9.Jane and Fran have been friends for years. What is more they have known each other since they were babies.
    10.Oh my god.!Your hands are totally black.! What have you been doing ?


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