Treść zadania



1. The buildings shaked for thirty seconds during the earthquahe.
2. When a strong wind flows, the fire spreads more qickly.
3. I`m sorry, but I didn`t mean that upset you.
4. What have on earth you done to my hair ?
5. How can I make thing better ?
6. Why is there so much rubish in the world ?
7. They`ve only been there since ten minutes.


Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.


  • magisterka

    1. The buildings shook for thirty seconds during the earthquahe.
    2. When a strong wind flows, the fire spreads more quickly.
    3. I`m sorry, but I didn`t mean to upset you.
    4. What on earth have you done to my hair ?
    5. How can I make things better ?
    6. Why is there so much rubbish in the world ?
    7. They`ve only been there for ten minutes.

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