Treść zadania


:) przekształć zdanie na mowe zależną
1. we are very glad to be here. they told us
2. is it raining heavily. she asked me
3. my brother doesn't live here. he told the police
4. i didn't see here yesterday. he told me
5. will you lend us the money? we asked them
6. where can we meet? he asked

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.


  • magisterka

    1. They told us they were very glad to be there.
    2. She asked me if it was raining heavily.
    3. He told the police his brother didn't live there.
    4. He told me he hadn't seen her the day before.
    5. We asked them if they would lend us the money.
    6. He asked where we could meet.

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