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Jeżeli ktoś z was przerabiał już Lautliche Veränderungen to proszę o pomoc, ponieważ kompletnie nic nie pamiętam z Lautverschiebung. Będę wdzięczna za przetłumaczenie tego indo-staro-germańskiego badziewia poniżej, z góry dziękuję i pozdrawiam;

Uuard thô gitân in thên tagun, framquam gibot fon demo aluualten keisure, thaz gibrievit vvurdi al these umbiuuerft. Thaz giscrib iz êristen uuard gitân in Syriu fon demo grâven Cyrine, inti fuorun alla, thaz biiâhiîn
thionôst iogiuuelîh in sînero burgi. Fuor thô Joseph fon Galileu fon thero burgi thiu hiez Nazareth in Judeno lant inti in Davides burg, thiu uuas ginemnit Bethleem, bithiu uuanta her uuas fon hûse inti fon hîuuiske Davides, thaz her giiâhi saman mit Mariûn imo gimahaltero gimahhûn sô scaffaneru. Thô sie thâr uuârun, vvurdun tagâ gifulte, thaz siu bâri, inti gibar ir sun êristboranon inti biuuant inan mit tuochum inti gilegita inan in crippea, bithiu uuanta im ni uuas anders tat in themo gasthûse

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Przydatność 100% Text analysis. analiza artykulu z the independent

artykul: The Independent By Geoffrey Lean Published: 21 October 2007 SECTION: Environment LENGTH: 413 words HEADLINE: Legal threat to Apple after toxic chemicals discovered in iPhone BODY: Apple's best-selling iPhone, due to be launched in Britain next month, may be forced to carry an official health warning after being found to...

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