Treść zadania


Zmień zd.twierdzące na przeczące,a przeczące na twierdzące.
1.Her child doesn't like milk.
2.That boy is looking at you
3.Ben's aunt doesn't cook very well.
4.Ricky's parents are alpinists.
5.I'm interested in history
6.They aren't good at art.
Zadanie 2
Znajdz błędy i napisz poprawnie.
a. Can you to jump higher than me?
b.Ptrick is wearing different trousers every day.
c Aunt Norma doesn't likes westerns.
d. let's meet tomorrow at the afternoon.
e.We must to hurry up-it's very late!

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 0 0

    her child likes milk
    That boy isn't looking at you
    Ben's aunt cooks very well
    Ricky's parents aren't alpinists
    I'm not interested in history
    They are good at art

    Can you jump higher than me?
    Patrick wears different trousers every day
    Aunt Norma doesn't like westerns
    Let's meet tommorrow in the afternoon
    We must hurry-up it's very late


  • userphoto

    1.Her child likes milk.
    2.That boy isn't looking at you
    3.Ben's aunt cooks very well.
    4.Ricky's parents aren't alpinists.
    5.I'm not interested in history
    6.They are good at art.

    a. Can you jump higher than me?
    b.Ptrick wears different trousers every day.
    c Aunt Norma doesn't like westerns.
    d. let's meet tomorrow afternoon.
    e.We must hurry up-it's very late!

  • userphoto

    1.Her child like milk.
    2.That boys isn't looking at you.
    3. Ben's aunt cook very well.
    4. Ricky's parents aren't alpinists.
    5. I'm not interested in history.
    6. They are good at art.

  • pozdromandarynka

    1.Her child likes milk
    2.The boy isn't looking at you
    3.Ben's aunt cooks very well
    4.Ricky's parents aren't alpinists
    5.I'm not interesting in history
    6.They are good at art
    zad 2
    a.Can you jump higher than me
    b.Patrick wear different trousers every day
    c.Aunt Norma doesn't like westerns
    d.Let's meet tomorrow in the afternoon
    e.We must hurry up - it's very late!

  • userphoto

    1.Her child likes milk.
    2.That boy isn't looking at you
    3.Ben's aunt cooks very well.
    4.Ricky's parents aren't alpinists.
    5.I'm not interested in history
    6.They are good at art.

    a. Can you jump higher than me?
    b.Ptrick wears different trousers every day.
    c Aunt Norma doesn't like westerns.
    d. let's meet tomorrow afternoon.
    e.We must hurry up-it's very late!

  • andrea_bianca

    1.Her child likes milk.
    2.That boy isn`t looking at you
    3.Ben's aunt cooks very well.
    4.Ricky's parents aren`t alpinists.
    5.I'm not interested in history
    6.They are good at art.

    a. Can you jump higher than me?
    b.Patrick wears different trousers every day.
    c Aunt Norma doesn't like westerns.
    d. Let's go to meet tomorrow`s afternoon.
    e.We must hurry up! It's very late!

  • Adarus

    1) Her child likes milk.
    2) That boy isn't la looking at you
    3)Ben's aunt cooks very well
    4) Rickys parents aren't alpinist
    5)I am not interested in history.
    6.) They are good at art

    Zadanie 2
    a.Can you jump higher than me? {bez "to"}
    b. Patrick wears different trouseres every day.{is wearing-> wears}
    c.Aunt Norma doesnt like westerns{bez "S" po like}
    d. let's meet tomorrow in the afternoon.
    E.We must hurry up it's very late {bez "to"}

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