Treść zadania


Wybierz właściwe słowo.
1.You should make/take/do an appointment to see a doctor.
2.You've taken/made/put on weight.
3.I'm going to have/do/take your blood pressure.
4. I think I've taken/brought/caught your cold.
5.What did your grandfather die on/
6.I suffer from/on/dor toothache.
7.We're going to have to poerate in/on/with him.
8.I feel sick.I think I'm going to operate to throw out/up/off. should give up/in/at eating so many sweets.
10.I'm allergic to/for/of cats.

Uzupełnij poniższe dialogi,wpisujac jedno słowo z ramki w kazda luke.
click cursor double icon online

A:How can I go 1_________?
B:2_______________ click on that 3___________there.
A:How can I do that?
B:Move the 4____________with your mouse.Now 5________twice very quickly.

delete downloaded open viruses
A:What should I do with this file that I 6________ from the internet?
B:Did you check it for 7_________.
B:You shouldn't 8________it.It might cause a lot of problems.
A:So,should I just 9_______it?
B:No,but get a good virus checker and make sure it's OK before you use it.

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 1 1

    1. make
    2. put
    3. take
    4. cought
    5. off
    6. from
    7. with
    8. up
    9. up
    10. to

    1. online
    2. double
    3. icon
    4. cursor
    5. click
    6. downloaded
    7 viruses
    8. open
    9. delete


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