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4 minutowe wypowiedzi na temat :

1. Abortion
2. Contemporary heroes
3. Terrorism
4. Advertisments - rola reklamy

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Przydatność 60% ABORTION - legal or a crime? - schemat wypowiedzi

ABORTION - legal or a crime? 1. At first I have to remind you about an essence of freedom: We have some rights, such as: - to choose how we think and what to say - how we vote - work - with whom we get friends or marry - and also to make decisions about our own bodies 2. Talking about having our right to choose... I think that it means having access to safe and legal abortion....

Przydatność 100% Abortion

I think abortion is not good , but also is not bad . We have many issue about abortion ,some of them I want to present .For many people, the crucial issue in the abortion debates is whether the embryo or fetus or unborn child is a person. If it is, they conclude that abortion is usually on a par with murder. If not, they conclude that it is a far less serious matter, perhaps only a matter of...

Przydatność 100% Abortion

What do you think of abortion ? Nowadays the world is very different. Everybody has an aim, but sometimes they don’t achieve it. All people want to have familes and children. Moreover, everyone has a choice. Abortion is very horrible. In Poland abortion is forbidalen and punishable.It can be carried out under special circmstomces. I think abortion is terrifying. People should be...

Przydatność 50% Abortion

Yes for abortion! According to the on-line dictionary ( abortion is a removal of an embryo or an organ at a more or less early stage. This topic is still controversial, however people don?t like to converse about it. They are afraid what other person may say about particular opinion, but more people think that abortion...

Przydatność 65% Tematem mojej wypowiedzi jest „Holocaust jako temat literacki i filmowy”.

Holocaust- z greckiego holokaustom- ofiara całopalna, po hebrajsku szoah- znaczy dziś masakra, masowa eksterminacja Żydów w czasie II wojny światowej. To próba wymordowania całego narodu, wszystkich Żydów. W dwa lata po dojściu Hitlera do władzy,15 września 1935r.uchwalone zostały ustawy norymberskie, które dawały nową definicję Żyda. Był nim ten, kto miał troje dziadków...

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