Treść zadania


zad.1 Uzupełnij zdania przymiotnikami opisującymi filmy.
I was very scared.
The gilm was frightening ---->PRZYKŁAD
a)It was a comedy. I was crying with laughter.
The film was.................................
b)A lot of people were killed in the film.
The film was...............................................
c)The film was about a woman fighting a serious illness. All of us were crying.
The film was...............................and........................................
d)Although the main characters ha to go through very difficult times, in the end they found ture happiness.
The film was..............................

zad2.Dokończ zadnia tak, aby otrzymać poprawny i logiczny tekst.
a)WE were playing football in the park when.......................................................................
b)We were playing really well when..................................................................................
c)We were sitting the exam when......................................................................................
d)When I was running to the bus stop................................................................................
e) While I was taking a shower.......................................................................................


Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.


  • john007

    zadanie 1
    c-touching and serious
    zadanie 2
    a- it started to rain
    b-my sister entered the room and started to shout at me
    c-I realised I had lost my crib sheet
    d-I stumbled but I didn ' t fall down
    e- my mobile phone started ringing

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