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Pomóżcie ! Musze zrobić na 2 strony email z angielskiego na temat wakacji,zaprosic na nie mojego kolege,gdzie jedziemy co bedziemy zwiedac i pozdrowic cala jego rodzine. Zgóry WIELKIE DZIĘKI XD

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    Hi Billy,

    How R U? I'd like U to go with me to the seaside for summer holidays. We will go to Kołobrzeg. I heard they have a nice disco there. We can sleep in a tent on the camping side. It ' s only 10zł per person for the night so it ' s quite chip. We will be visiting the whole coast - we will visit every single hotel on the beach and meet many people and take a lot of pictures. I have read on the Internet that there are some castle ruins out there. This can be interesting. Start saving money for the summer. Best regards for your family.

    See you,


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