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New Inspiration 3
zad.5 str. 3 Grammar: present continous for future arrangements
Tiffany is talking to her boyfriend, Jake, on the phone. Complete the conversation with these verbs.


Jake: Hi Tiff! My mate Dave (1)_____ to see me tomorrow. Let's have coffee or a meal together.
Tiffany: Great idea- but I'm quite busy. I (2) _____ my mother until 11 o'clock and then I (3) _____ to the hairdresser's.
Jake: Cool. We can meet after the hairdresse's.
Tiffany: No, I'm sorry, but I (4)_____ my friend Mary at 12 in the shopping centre. She (5)_____ clothes for her holiday and wants me to help her.
Jake: And after that?
Tiffany: We (6)_____ lunch together, but we don't know when or where we (7)_____. How about the afternoon?
Jake: Sure. We (8)_____ the football match on TV at three but after that is fine.

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    Jake: Hi Tiff! My mate Dave (1)is going to see me tomorrow. Let's have coffee or a meal together.
    Tiffany: Great idea- but I'm quite busy. I (2) am helping my mother until 11 o'clock and then I (3) am coming to the hairdresser's.
    Jake: Cool. We can meet after the hairdresse's.
    Tiffany: No, I'm sorry, but I (4)am meeting my friend Mary at 12 in the shopping centre. She (5)is buying clothes for her holiday and wants me to help her.
    Jake: And after that?
    Tiffany: We (6)are having lunch together, but we don't know when or where we (7)are eating. How about the afternoon?
    Jake: Sure. We (8)are watching the football match on TV at three but after that is fine.


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