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Przydatność 100% Death penalty 175 slow

Capital punishment is a method of retributive punishment as old as civilization itself. Both the Greeks and the Romans invoked the death penalty for a wide variety of offenses. Socrates and Jesus were perhaps the most famous people ever condemned for a capital crime in the ancient period. Hammurabi's Code, a code of laws developed by the king of one of the first empires, dates back from the...

Przydatność 100% „Superstions origin” (ok 350 slow)

Writing about history of all superstitions would be rather hard, so I will write only about a few. Most of them have their roots in the ancient times, like for example not greeting your guest at the door. In ancient Rome people did not do it (especially at dark nights) because they never knew if the person that had just come wanted to kill the master of the house. Before greeting each other two...

Przydatność 75% The expression "slow food" has recently been coined in opposition to "fast food". What does "slow food" mean to you? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

"Slow food" is healthy food: they are vegetables, fruit, grain products, milk products and lean meat. This is the food prepared at home and simply made slowly and traditionally. The "fast food" is a good solution for people who lead busy life and still hurry. also a lot of teenagers eat "fast food" (for example: pizza, hamburgers, chips or other sweet snacks), because this is tasty. But, we...

Przydatność 65% Cinemas are facing a continuous slow down in ticket sales. Why do you think it is so? Present and justify your opinion.

Human has always been involved in range of cultural activities and watching films has become one of the most popular kind of entertainment. For that reason people improve cinemas, for example by introducing there technological innovations. But is it truth that people are still strongly interested in it like several years ago? I definitely believe that recently less and less people enjoy going...

Przydatność 55% Jestem jaki jestem

Ludzie mają różne charaktery, każdy człowiek może powiedzieć o sobie, że jest, jaki jest. To właśnie charakter kształtuje człowieka, po je-go zachowaniu możemy ocenić go i lepiej poznać. Nie można zmienić swojego charakteru, pod wpływem innych osób, można jedynie go kształtować w innym kierunku. Ludzie, którzy mówią, że się zmienili np. z powodu zakochania się nie...

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