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BARDZO PROSZE NA DZIŚ 10-15 ZDAŃ PO ANGIELSKU NA TEMAT MIASTA POZNANIA ! (moje ulubione miejsca to kilka przykladów ciekawych z poznania, znajduje sie tu.... otwartych od tej do tej.....można tam......).Inwencja własna , nieskomplikowana. BĘDE BAAARDZOOO WDZIĘCZNA !

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    Poznań is the most prominent city in Wielkopolska. Poznań is famous for Hip-Hop music because PEJA lives there. Poznań has a beautiful town square. I have been to Poznań and I must confess that Mathematical Faculty of the UAM University is very far from the railway station and you must use at least 2 public means of transport in order to get there from the railway station. The railway station is quite big and it has been renovated recently. There are many interesting places where you can dance, drink and do other less decent things.

    The culture can be seen there in the street and on the bus or tram - I was going by tram to apply for admission to UAM university in 2006 - in the direction of Mathematical Faculty and I was surprised when some musician entered the tram and started to play the accordion - it was an old music but it sounded great. I felt fantastically because I could admire the city listening to its traditional folk music. It was a great experience. The combination of vision and sound on the tram made me feel as if I were in Paris. I heard they have a nice students camp in Poznań. In fact it's more like a small town within a city - students have their own shops, cinemas, pubs, chemist 's shops and so on. If you are young, you should definitely visit Poznań. You can meet there many foreign tourists and you can talk to them in the street. This makes Poznań a good place to pick up English language without signing up for a course in British House.

    One of my friends was walking next to a night club which was situated near the railway station. The door was open so he could see people inside the club. He was standing almost in the middle of the street and staring at something. It turned out that he saw one of the girls dancing around the pole. I think he got excited too much. We had to force him to move out of there. Well, this is a proof that red-light districts can be found everywhere and young people shouldn ' t stick around such districts because this may have a negative effect on them.


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