Treść zadania


Uzupełnij zdania prawidłową formą " be going to " lub " will" :.
1. Sam's sister :
- I think it ____________ (be) a relly good game.
2. Lenny's brother:
- I __________ (help) them with the graphics.
3. Sam's mum:
- I think the boys __________ (enjoy) designing it.
4. Sam's dad :
- I ____________ (tell) my friends at work about it.
5. Lenny's mum :
- They are ___________ (not have) any sound effects. Sound effects are difficult!

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 0 0

    1. Sam's sister :
    - I think it will be a really good game.
    2. Lenny's brother:
    - I will help them with the graphics.
    3. Sam's mum:
    - I think the boys will enjoy designing it.
    4. Sam's dad :
    - I going to tell my friends at work about it.
    5. Lenny's mum :
    - They are going to not have any sound effects. Sound effects are difficult!


  • userphoto

    1) will be
    2) will help
    3) will enjoy
    4) am going to tell
    5) are not going to have

  • andrea_bianca

    I think it will be...
    I`m going to help..
    I think the boys will enjoy...
    I`m going to tell...
    They are going to don`t have...

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