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TEKST: Dear Auntie Sally, I'm sending you a photo of my friend, Kim, and me. Kim is a new girl in my class. She's the tallest girl in the class. Her father is from Wales. She says Wales is prettier than England. Dad took this photo in the New Forest last week. We're saying hello to the ponies! The New Forest ponies are smaller than horses and they're very friendly. There are a lot of deeer in the New Forest but we didn't see them. It isn't easy to find them - they are very shy. See you next week!
Lots of loce, Vicki.
Pytania. 1. Kim doesn't like living in England.
a) Right b) Wrong c) Doesn't say
2. Kim and Vicki went to the New Forest last week.
a) Right b) Wrong c) Doesn't say
3. The animals in the photo are horses.
a) Right b) Wrong c) Doesn't say
4. Kim and Vicki wanted to see some deer.
a) Right b) Wrong c) Doesnt say
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  • 1 0

    Pytania. 1. Kim doesn't like living in England.

    a) Right b) Wrong c) Doesn't say


    2. Kim and Vicki went to the New Forest last week.

    a) Right b) Wrong c) Doesn't say

    2 odp.A

    3. The animals in the photo are horses.

    a) Right b) Wrong c) Doesn't say

    3 odp.B

    4. Kim and Vicki wanted to see some deer.

    a) Right b) Wrong c) Doesnt say

    4 odp.A


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