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Odpowiedz na pytania z dodaniem do każdego zdania dlaczego.
-Do families in your country normally eat together or not ?
-Are takeaways popular? What kind ?


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    nie za bardzo wiem o co chodzi w zadaniu dodawajac dlaczrgo ale mam nadzieje ze pomoge :) |

    Do families in your country normally eat together or not?
    In the country that i come from, which is Poland, families are trying to increase the time that they can sit together behind the table and enjoy their daily meals. but unfortunately, a lot of people are working long hours throughout the week which leads to eating their dinner in the restaurants called McDonals, KFC or Burger king which are commonly named Takeaways. The do not spend time together at that time, just grabbing the food and moving on to whatever destination it is . work school or college.

    Takeaways are not as popular in my country as they are in United States or United Kingdom, but they aare very popular too.
    People are usually choosing the easiest option not necessary the healtier one. Time is precious but when a person does not have it, thats what they find very convinient, Buying ready to eat meals. As I said, it is getting so popular nowadays but not yet as popular as in USA or UK.


  • john007

    Families in my country normally eat together because this is our tradition.

    Takeaways are popular too, especially in big cities where many people are busy working 12 hours a day and not having a chance to have dinner together with their families. I think the most popular takeaways are pizza and kebab. Such is the state of play when eating habits are concerned in our country.

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