Treść zadania


1 . Did you cook yesterday? What did you cook? 2 . Did you go out last Saturday? What did you do. ? 3 . What did you do last weekend? Did you have a good time? 4 . What did you wear yesterday? 5 Say the past simple: do, look, be, meet, want, write

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

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    1. Yes, I did. I cooked soup for my parents.
    2. No, I didn't. I stayed at home.
    3. I was having fun with my friends, we went to the cinema together. Yes, I had a good time with them.
    4. I wore t-shirt and jeans yesterday.
    5. do-did, look-looked, be-was/were, meet-met, want-wanted, write-wrote. Nie jestem pewna czy o to Ci chodziło, ale tak zrozumiałam to polecenie. ;p


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